Health Consultations

Discover the magic of Ayurveda with our Health Consultation and Wellness Package.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is a complete healing system that is focused on giving you tools and practices to support your own health and wellbeing on a daily basis, by working with your own body’s inner intelligence...

In doing so, it allows you to rebalance, thrive physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ayurveda is one of the oldest-known systems of medicine originating in the East (specifically India) and dates back to over 5000 years, ultimately guiding us to a holistic way of life. As the sister science of yoga, Ayurveda not only aims to treat the root cause of illness but uniquely focuses on preventative healthcare as a lifestyle.

Ayurveda translates as the ‘Science of Life’

Ayurvedic treatments are bespoke to each individual according to their doshic make up (constitution).  Our Western science plus a vast amount of research is increasingly validating its effectiveness even more so today.  First, it is a holistic mind-body-spirit approach to health and well-being, so it gives you tools for thriving in all aspects of your life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Secondly, it based around holistic medicine, as it addresses the entire body system.  And finally, Ayurvedic medicine looks for the root cause of your body’s imbalance and teaches you how to reverse this process by dealing with the factors that created the problem in the first place.


The wonderful teachings of Ayurveda can help you to maintain balance in mind, body and emotional health through daily practices that are personalised to your individual mind-body type (dosha).  By becoming familiar with your dosha type, you can be empowered to choose the foods, lifestyle and natural medicines that promote optimal health, happiness and creative growth. 

What’s more, when we understand that we are connected, affected and influenced by everything around us in our lives ie nature, the seasons, our enviroment, relationships, work life etc, it means that we can adapt and so help prevent ourselves from being affected by the ebb and flow of these changes, further supporting our wellbeing and health.

“When we understand that we are connected to everything around us it means that we can create balance by staying in the ebb and flow of the seasonal changes, our environment, our relationships - further supporting our wellbeing”

Successful treatments for conditions include examples of the following: 

  • The immune and respiratory system including coughs, colds, sore throats, flu, seasonal viruses, tonsilitis, bronchitis and cyclical illnesses

  • The digestive system including IBS, IBD, pre and type 2 diabetes, heartburn and acid reflux

  • The nervous system including stress, anxiety and mild depression and neuralgia

  • The muscular skeletal system including osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia

  • Skin disorders and ailments including eczema and psoriasis

  • Sleep dysfunction

  • The cardiovascular system inc hypertension, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

  • Female health – hormone balance, fertility, peri and full menopause

Ayurvedic Consultation & Wellness Package

6-8 week Treatment Program - £350


  1. In person initial consultation and assessment: 1hr 30 mins approx 

  2. In person follow up approx. 7 days later with bespoke treatment presentation and medicinal herbal suggestions where relevant.

  3. Week later phone or email follow up/ check in with patient following commencement of treatment program.

  4. Two weeks later check in call/email. 

  5. Three-four weeks later in person final assessment.


As an example, during an Ayurvedic Consultation, the Ayurvedic Practitioner will consider some of the following :

•    Appetite
•    Digestion
•    Energy levels
•    Sleeping pattern
•    Circulation
•    Body temperature
•    Frame/build
•    Weight
•    Complexion
•    Eyes
•    Current and past health concerns
•    Current medication
•    Family health history

Would you like to book a Health Consultation?

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